Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Caipirinha

At the writing of this, we're approaching summer and of course, BBQ season. And few cocktails go better with grilled dishes, as the Caipirinha. Brazil's favorite cocktail is pronounced [kye-pee-REEN-yah] and contains cachaca [kah-CHA-sah] a liquor made from sugar cane, but without the dark molasses color of rum.

The Basic Caipirinha is what bartenders call a "build." That is, it's made right in the glass.

Into an Old Fashioned glass, place half a lime, cut up into small pieces. Add 2 tsp sugar and muddle the lime and sugar well. Add 2 oz cachaca, a few ice cubes
and a splash of soda water. Stir, and garnish with a lime wedge. That's all there is to it!

Cinema Recommendation:

Copacabana (1947). Graucho Marx, Carmen Miranda. Directed by Alfred E. Green. The Caipirinha does not appear in this movie, but because it is the national cocktail of Brazil, what better film to enjoy it with, than Copacabana . . . and a beautiful Carmen Miranda!

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