Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Americano

The Americano is an aperitif AND a highball cocktail. It is the forebear of the Negroni and is, in essence, a Negroni without the juniper freshness of gin (Classic Cocktails by Salvatore Calabrese. (c) 1997).

Despite the lack of a juniper bump, Campari does provide the Americano with a tantalizingly bitter bite. The Italians love bitter things, and the Americano, along with its gin-tinged cousin, the Negroni, are classically Italian libations.

Few cocktails are as simple to make as the Americano, and that's good, because no one wants to toil over a stirring glass or shaker, in the summer.

The Americano

1 jigger Campari
1 jigger Sweet vermouth
Club soda

Into a highball glass containing several ice cubes, add the Campari, sweet vermouth and a good splash of club soda. Stir gently, and garnish with a slice of lemon.

My personal variation: For greater dimension to the bitterness, use tonic water, instead of club soda.
Cinema Recommendation:

It Started in Naples (1960). Clark Gable, Sofia Loren. Directed by Melville Shavelson. This romantic story takes place somewhat south of the fabled Florence, but Clark Gable is the Americano in this classic movie.

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