Thursday, May 26, 2011

Black Velvet: Very Oldie but Very Goodie

It is said that the Black Velvet was created in 1861 by the bartender at Brooks's Club, to mourn the passing of Prince Albert, the Prince Consort to Queen Victoria.

Black Velvet
6 oz Stout (or Guinness)
6 oz Champagne

Pour the stout into a chilled pint glass, add the champagne gently, "floating" the champagne on top. The dark beer at the bottom was intended to mimic the black armbands worn by mourners, at that time.

There is a variation called the Black Velveteen, using asti spumante or hard cider, in place of the champagne, and an Italian Velvet using Birra Moretti La Rossa and prosecco.

Information on the Black Velvet can be found on the Internet. My personal source was カクテル ("Cocktail"), a Japanese book that I find to be one of the most comprehensive cocktail guides I've seen. I happen to read Japanese, but you can find other sources in English.

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