Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Family Drink - The Shirley Temple

As I write this, the world mourns the death of Shirley Temple Black, whose love affair with the American public began decades ago, with her wonderful films as a child actress.  What's all this got to do with cocktails?  Well, one of the most famous "family drinks" for many years, has been the Shirley Temple, a refreshing and delicious non-alcohol "cocktail."

Make one for yourself today - to honor the memory of that little girl who so brightened our lives, with her smile, dancing and singing.  And who served the United States in a diplomatic capacity later on in life.  Here's how I make one:

Shirley Temple
3 oz Lemon-lime soda
3 oz Ginger ale
Dash of Grenadine
Maraschino cherry

Into a tumbler containing ice, add the ingredients and give it a gentle stir.  Add the cherry, pop in a straw, and enjoy!

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