Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Cubanita

When I think of rum, I think of summer.  Not sure why, but perhaps it’s the image of fields of sugar cane, waving in tropical breezes, and enjoying some of my favorite cocktails on my deck, as the summer sun slowly sinks low over my neighbor’s newly shingled roof. . .

Kidding aside, rum isn't just daiquiris or colorful umbrella drinks.  It’s a really refreshing variation on some of our favorite classics. One of my favorites is the Cubanita.

The Cubanita
The Cubanita is the rum variation of the Bloody Mary.  Because rum is a flavorful spirit, keep this variation simple.

2 oz Bacardi Superior (white rum)
4 oz Tomato juice
Dash Tabasco (or cayenne pepper)
Dash Worcestershire sauce
Dash Lemon juice
Pinch of black pepper and salt

Place the ingredients in tall glass with ice, and stir.  I’ve purposely omitted the horseradish, but that’s a personal preference.  Instead of making this from scratch, feel free to use your favorite Bloody Mary mix, for convenience.  Try to choose one that’s balanced and not overly spicy.  Garnish a Cubanita any way you like.  My personal preference is a nice wedge of lemon or lime, a slice of bacon, or a spicy, crunchy pickled okra.  

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