Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Papa Doble Plus One: A Summer Celebration

Ahh, summer.  Its arrival is heralded by longer days, shady decks and patios, and an occupied hammock.  And when summer gets here, I think immediately of two great drinks that can make long, pleasant evenings with friends just a bit more pleasant:  The Papa Doble and the Salty Dog.
Ernest “Papa” Hemingway was said to have been fond of his cocktails, from the Bloody Mary, to the Classic Martini, to his own special version of the daiquiri, known to his friends and favorite bartender as the Papa Doble.  Hemingway, of course, was known as “Papa,” and his reputation for enjoying doubles of his daiquiri gave this cocktail its name.  To me, this is THE Summer Cocktail, and here’s how I make mine:

The Papa Doble

2 oz Bacardi White Rum
Juice of ½ lime
1 oz Grapefruit juice
Dash Luxardo maraschino liqueur

I create mine as a “build.” I just add them to an Old Fashioned Glass, add ice, stir, and garnish with a lime wedge.  The “official” way (if there is one) is to place the ingredients and cracked ice into a shaker, shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.  It’s summer, so it’s your choice.

TIP:  If you prefer pink (ruby red) grapefruit juice, go right ahead.  Summer is about having it your way!

Somewhere back in the late Forties, the Brownsville Herald mentions a drink that “replaces the salt sweated out in torrid Texas summers.”  This summer classic was the great alternative to the screwdriver, and it’s known as the Salty Dog.  To me, the Salty Dog is far more interesting than mere vodka and orange juice, and it’s a nice way to break the ice at the start of summer gatherings. . . or when you just want to kick back and relax with friends.

The Salty Dog

2 oz Gin
3 oz Grapefruit juice
Pinch of salt

Place all the ingredients into a shaker with cracked ice, shake, then strain into a highball or Old Fashioned glass.  You may rim the highball glass with salt, if you wish.  Garnish with a slice of lime and serve with a straw.  Personally, I make mine as a build, just adding the ingredients to a glass with ice, giving it a stir and adding a straw.

TIP:  Without any salt, this cocktail becomes a Greyhound.  So if you’re watching your sodium, a Greyhound may be a good alternative.  For those who prefer pink grapefruit juice (a bit sweeter and more colorful than white grapefruit juice), fear not!  Mixology is all about creating what YOU like.  So use ruby red grapefruits or pink grapefruit juice and enjoy.

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