Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Bee's Knees. . . the cat's meow

My specialty is vintage cocktails, and when I saw the Bee's Knees, I immediately got more curious.  Any cocktail that's named for a truly old fashioned expression has got to have some interest for me.

To my way of thinking, the Bee's Knees is a good cocktail for nearly any season, but I'd recommend it for spring through early fall.  As its name implies, it contains something to do with bees. . . namely, honey.  And although I don't like to reduce a recipe to something overly simple, the Bee's Knees is basically a gin sour made with honey, instead of powdered sugar.

Here's how I make mine:

The Bee's Knees

2 oz Dry gin
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Tbs Honey
1/2 Tbs Warm water

Make "honey syrup," by mixing a tablespoonful of honey, with the warm water.  Add the lemon juice and gin, and shake well with cracked ice.  Pour into a chilled coupe (an old-fashioned champagne glass).  No garnish needed, but if you insist on decorations, a small piece of lemon peel will do.

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