Monday, May 20, 2013

The Black Russian

Coffee - an American pleasure for generations.  What better way to celebrate this, than with a Black Russian, one of the classic cocktails so popular in the Sixties?  The Black Russian was as appropriate as a pre-dinner drink, as it was after dinner, relaxing with friends.

There are few classic cocktails as easy to make, and so easy to get right.  Here's how:

The Black Russian

2 oz Vodka
1 oz Kahlua Coffee Liqueur

Into an Old Fashioned glass with a couple of ice cubes, place the vodka, then the Kahlua.  Stir once or twice.  Serve with or without a stirrer but no garnish.  Bartenders call a drink assembled right in the glass a "build." 

If you'd like a "creamier" version, try a White Russian.  Make a Black Russian, then float an ounce of heavy cream on top.  Serve with a stirrer. 

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