Monday, November 5, 2012

The Kir Royale - Happy Holidays!

As we move toward the end of each year, I make it a special point to move my collection of great holiday films, from their waiting area (in my basement) to the front of my video line.  And among my very favorites is Holiday Inn, that wonderful film starring Fred Astaire, Marjorie Reynolds, and Bing Crosby.  Released in 1942, it's got a bit of everything, from dance, to comedy, to romance.  And all to the music of Irving Berlin.  His tune, White Christmas was later the song around which the film of the same name was released in 1954 - also starring Bing Crosby.

The almost magical variety of entertainment in Holiday Inn makes me think of the Kir Royale, a cocktail that features the dryness of champagne, with the sweetness of black raspberry.  The effervescence of the wine and the rosy color of the cassis make this a perfect drink before - or after - dinner.  It's simple to make, as well!

Kir Royale
2 tsp Creme de Cassis (blackcurrant liqueur)
Champagne (I suggest a Brut)

Place the cassis at the bottom of a flute glass, then fill gently with chilled champagne.

Variation:  The Kir Imperial is my preference and is made with Chambord Black Raspberry Liqueur, instead of cassis.  Fill the flute gently, with brut champagne.

While you're watching Holiday Inn, I'd recommend pairing your Kir Royale or Kir Imperial with something that will round out the flavor spectrum.  My choice would be a simple snack such as veggie or potato chips.  The contrasting sweet and dry of the Kir, paired with the savory chips will amaze you!